
Monday, September 24, 2012

Windows 8 was a bold by Microsoft: But it wasn't a bad move

With Windows 8 coming out this October, Microsoft will also be coming out with the HTC Windows 8 Phone. Windows 8 seemed like a really bold move with the new look of windows 8, and with the Tablet look on a desktop environment it all seemed as if this was going to be a bad move by Microsoft but it seems like Microsoft is headed into the right direction with the Microsoft Surface Tablet being released around the same time windows 8 will be released. Having Tried the Beta Release of Windows 8, On the Desktop I am not a fan of it, but with the Microsoft Surface Tablet I am anxious to get a hold of one of these tablets. As a Windows user have you tried windows 8, if so what do you think of it ? Want to try window 8 out for the first time ? Click the link below and post your thoughts on the new Operating System.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Windows or Apple: Why I dis-like The Typical Fan-Boy

One thing that aggravates me is a fan boy, for those of you who do not know what a fan boy is a fan boy is an  extreme follower of a particular medium or concept whether it's a television show, video game, or company. I have come across a wide variety of people who are or may consider themselves a fan boy, and one thing that really gets under my skin is the constant comparing of devices to other companies. My whole argument is yes a certain company may be great but maybe just maybe the same company you are comparing another company to is trying to do something different. 

Everything is not meant to be the same, if everything was the same there would be no competition. This is where I get frustrated with a Typical Fan Boy because they have this idea that this device should be like this device when everything is not made the same nor  meant to be the same, but I will say that things that have been invented today in some form or fashion was inspired buy something that was already invented. For example, look at the phone and now you have the cell phone. People tend to take it too far in comparing another company with another company stating how it doesn't run like this device runs. I wonder do these people stop and think that maybe it wasn't meant to be like that,

Example, we are all human beings, but does that mean we all have to be the same? No it doesn't. 
So my advice to all fan boys whether it be for Windows, or Apple before out right trashing a product give it a real chance, not a week, and no just a few months but a true chance I am willing to bet that you'll find out that all devices are made different for a reason.

In conclusion,  in no way shape or form was this posted to talk bad about either company, it is simply an expression of  how I feel about fan-boys

Thursday, May 10, 2012

How To Speed Up Your Computer's Start-Up Time

There are a lot of programs out there that have the ability to speed up your computer, some are free and some can be very pricey. There are ways to speed your computer system without downloading programs or even having to buy them. The first thing that can speed you system is cleaning your tempfiles this can be done manually or with a program called Ccleaner. To do this manually you will go to your start menu - accessories - and select run and type % Temp % and click ok. A temp folder will pop up with files and folders that can be deleted manually.

Another way to speed up your system is to disable programs that start-up as your computer boots this can be done by typing msconfig  into the run box and going to the start-up tab. It is important that you be very careful when inside the msconfig program because you don't want to click the wrong thing. Sometimes programs that start-up when the system boots will not always be in the msconfig program, but sometimes will be located inside of the programs themselves and these changes can be made by configuring the preferences.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Windows 7 Tip # 1 (Disabling Aero Snap in Windows 7)

As convenient as it may be some people do not like the Aero Snap feature in windows 7  Have you ever opened up a browser moved the browser to one side and noticed it has snapped to the other side of windows? I am sure we all have, have you ever wanted to get rid of that feature? Well here is a simple step on  how you can disable that feature with ease.
 Go to your Start Menu - Control Panel - Ease of Access 
Select - Make the mouse easier to use
Then Select - Prevent Windows from being automatically arranged when moved to the edge of the screen.



Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Google Chrome or Fire Fox

I have been a Fire Fox user for a long time now, but I'd have to say there are some things I've always disliked about fire fox .  For example I've always disliked having to always install plugins to get certain things to work on certain sites or having things not work while in fire fox. I've decided to start using Google Chrome and I must say at first it was a big change but as I began using the browser more often I started to like the ease of use. For example, I enjoy not having to install an enormous amount of plugins into my browser. In addition, a few  of my favorite features I like about google chrome is the chrome web store which allows you to access apps in a separate window without having to type in the URL and Cloud Printing which allows you to print from applications we use everyday. While I have been a Fire Fox user for quite sometimes this blog gives a brief discussion of why I chose Google chrome over Fire Fox. If you have any reasons why you do or do not use google chrome please leave a comment below.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

After you've purchased your Computer

Many times you have purchased a computer and it may not be that you don't know what to do but their maybe a few things you're unsure of. In my previous blog we discussed the type of anti-virus software to purchase, and today we will go on a further discussion on the small things you should do after you've purchased your computer.
Some people I've come across the past few years will just plug it in and go with out even installing legit anti-virus software and then they'd a few months later why their computer is running slow.

1. Make sure you've created an image backup in case something goes wrong

2. Make sure you've done all updates

3. Do a regular scan to make sure computer is functioning properly and to be sure that there are no viruses on your computer.

4. Always Keep a Backup of your Backup

In addition, these are just a few tips that will help you along the way for a better computing environment

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How To Protect your computer

One of the many questions I have come across today is what is the best way to protect your computer? Whether it be from hacking or viruses, there are many programs available to consumers that will protect your computer from these sort of things. On a more personal note the first thing I myself do when I've purchased a new computer is I uninstall the trail anti-virus program that comes with the computer and I install AVG.
There's a free version and there's full protection. With the full version you get a lot more than what the free edition gives. For example, you get different types of protection that is built into the program like AVG online shield which protects you while you're downloading files by scanning them, and you get a built-in fire-wall and spam blocker all in one program Now AVG is not the only anti virus program out there this is just one of many. Now you may ask what if I can't afford the Full version of this program? There is a free version, and the version is good but you won't get the full protection you need for your computer. In addition, there are other programs you can instill to go along side with AVG such as Spy bot search destroy, Ad-aware.
One of my personal favorites, that I use on a regular basis is ccleaner which is a program that cleans you registry and removes files from your computer to make your computer and browser run faster. This is just a little advice for all of you computer owners to improve your browsing experience