
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Google Chrome or Fire Fox

I have been a Fire Fox user for a long time now, but I'd have to say there are some things I've always disliked about fire fox .  For example I've always disliked having to always install plugins to get certain things to work on certain sites or having things not work while in fire fox. I've decided to start using Google Chrome and I must say at first it was a big change but as I began using the browser more often I started to like the ease of use. For example, I enjoy not having to install an enormous amount of plugins into my browser. In addition, a few  of my favorite features I like about google chrome is the chrome web store which allows you to access apps in a separate window without having to type in the URL and Cloud Printing which allows you to print from applications we use everyday. While I have been a Fire Fox user for quite sometimes this blog gives a brief discussion of why I chose Google chrome over Fire Fox. If you have any reasons why you do or do not use google chrome please leave a comment below.

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