
Friday, September 14, 2012

Windows or Apple: Why I dis-like The Typical Fan-Boy

One thing that aggravates me is a fan boy, for those of you who do not know what a fan boy is a fan boy is an  extreme follower of a particular medium or concept whether it's a television show, video game, or company. I have come across a wide variety of people who are or may consider themselves a fan boy, and one thing that really gets under my skin is the constant comparing of devices to other companies. My whole argument is yes a certain company may be great but maybe just maybe the same company you are comparing another company to is trying to do something different. 

Everything is not meant to be the same, if everything was the same there would be no competition. This is where I get frustrated with a Typical Fan Boy because they have this idea that this device should be like this device when everything is not made the same nor  meant to be the same, but I will say that things that have been invented today in some form or fashion was inspired buy something that was already invented. For example, look at the phone and now you have the cell phone. People tend to take it too far in comparing another company with another company stating how it doesn't run like this device runs. I wonder do these people stop and think that maybe it wasn't meant to be like that,

Example, we are all human beings, but does that mean we all have to be the same? No it doesn't. 
So my advice to all fan boys whether it be for Windows, or Apple before out right trashing a product give it a real chance, not a week, and no just a few months but a true chance I am willing to bet that you'll find out that all devices are made different for a reason.

In conclusion,  in no way shape or form was this posted to talk bad about either company, it is simply an expression of  how I feel about fan-boys

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